Up one level
- Tetsukugi
- Sailor Susutake Rebuilt
- KOKORO Juhi Negoro
- KOKORO Tame Tsugaru
- Kokoro Kage (Shadow)
- KOKORO Take Negoro (Bamboo Negoro)
- Take Negoro Kanji
- Eternity Negoro
- ETERNITY Aogai Migin
- KOKORO Collection
- KOKORO with Momiji Yamimaki-e
- KOKORO with Kakôgan & Bamboo (Black Granite)
- KOKORO with Kamifubuki
- KOKORO with KinShiro Nuri (White Gold) & Bamboo
- KOKORO with KinKi Nuri (Yellow Gold) & Bamboo
- KOKORO with KinAkakuchi Nuri (Lighter Vermillion) & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Kin Shû Nuri (Red Gold) & Bamboo
- KOKORO with KinAo Nuri (Blue Gold) & Bamboo
- KOKORO with KinMidori Nuri (Green Gold) & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Iroiro Nashiji & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Iroiro Nashiji & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Fluted Bamboo & Negoro
- KOKORO with Bamboo & Brass Lines
- KOKORO with Bamboo & Aka Kin Ishime-Ji
- KOKORO with Aka Momiji Maki-e & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Starlit Sky & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Botan Negoro & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Mokume Negoro & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Fuki Urushi & Bamboo
- KOKORO with A Drop & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Aogai Migin & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Karakawa Mitateai & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Aka Raden Fubuki Momiji Maki-e & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Shôen & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Raden Fubuki Momiji Maki-e & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Mokumegane & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Rankaku Fubuki & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Oshidashi & Bamboo
- KOKORO with Bamboo & Kuro Kinkumo
- KOKORO with Bamboo & Chadô Nuri
- KOKORO with Bamboo & Aka Ishime-Ji
- KOKORO with Bamboo & Raden Sentoku
- KOKORO with Bamboo & Ishime-Ji
- KOKORO with Bamboo & Aka Kinkumo
- KOKORO with Bamboo & Tame Momiji Maki-e
- KOKORO with Bamboo & Negoro Nuri
- Bambu & Kinsokumitateai
- Fundame no Take (Gold Ground on Bamboo)
- Take & Raden (Raden on Bamboo)
- Susutake/I
- Susutake/II
- Susutake Flat Top
- Susutake Regular
- Susutake Burl
- Momiji Maki-e on Black Bamboo
- Momiji Maki-e on Bamboo
- Bamboo Clip
- Rosewood
- Kiseru & Fuki Urushi
- Sukurome Roiro
- Rosewood / Ebony
- Ebony & Rosewood
- Shôsugiban
- ETERNITY Seirei Nuri
- ETERNITY Kin Tame Nuri
Susutake bamboo is known as smoked bamboo. Thats because in rural Japan, after long years of sitting above a slowly burning stove, the bamboo darkens into a beautiful honey brown color - dark underneath, with a lighter brown facing upward. It also has a patinated, aged and antique appearance giving it unique appeal. Due to the long 'curing' process, the bamboo becomes very tough and stable.
The surface is "sealed" and toned with urushi lacquer, with a process known as "fuki-urushi" in which raw urushi "ki-urushi" is rubbed into the surface, wiped off and dried for 24 hours, several times over. Every SUSUTAKE fountain pen is just that little bit different from the last due to the fact that the bamboo grain is different and each piece is wholly hand made. Also each pen feels and performs a little differently. The ends of the cap and the barrel pieces are made from ebonite.